Woodinville Emergency
Communications Team
Here is a list of local amateur radio nets you might be interested in.
Day Time Frequency Offset Tone Net Name
Sun 19:00 443.725 Northshore Emergency Management Coalition (NEMCo)
Sun 19:30 145.490 Kirkland Emergency Comm. Team (KECT) / ARES
Sun 20:00 147.080 King County ARES/RACES
Mon 19:00 147.340 Woodinville Emergency Communications Team (WECT)
Mon 19:30 442.825 Shoreline ACS (City of Shoreline)
Tue 12:30 441.775 Puget Sound Energy ARES
Tue 19:00 147.340 NW Regional LDS ERC Net
Tue 20:00 146.920 Snohomish County ACS/ARES
Thu 19:00 147.340 Bothell-area Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Net
A radio net is:
An opportunity to meet on the air with other hams in the area
A chance to pass communications traffic if there is any
An opportunity to test your radio and settings to confirm you can reach the rest of the group
A time to make announcements, request assistance, hear updates on local radio happenings
Usually short and follows a set script to facilitate orderly check-ins and message traffic
Open to anyone who wishes to check in and participate!